Titan Warehouse Insurance believes that the humble warehouse has a great future, but owners should be aware that they have all the correct policies in place.

Warehouse insurance is now a sophisticated field says Titan and includes a huge number of sectors right from logistical centres, to buildings used for cloud based internet systems.

It used to be, says Titan, that a warehouse was a quiet building never really seen as central to a company’s future. It was somewhere to store raw materials, or the finished product, and went quietly about its business.

Nowadays, says Titan, the warehouse is often the central hub of a business and without it operating smoothly, the business could flounder.

Chief Executive Officer of Titan Engineers Insurance, Basil Tsapralis, said:
Supermarkets drove the warehouse into the modern era, turning them from places of storage to modern day distribution centres on which the country’s relies on for food supplies. Then came along the internet and companies like Amazon which have no physical retail presence, but rely on super warehouse from which the products are brought in and then shipped out to customers. And with internet business still growing at a dramatic rate, then the role of these super warehouses will only become more important.

But owners need to be aware of the multi-layered numbers of cover that they require from a sector insurance policy. And that they take time and effort to put together.

Titan Warehouse Insurance is a broker which enjoys a reputation for high levels of customer service and competitive pricing.