Titan Warehouse Insurance is experiencing more enquiries from companies which use warehouses to store data and online digital information.

Titan Warehouse Insurance believes that the humble warehouse has seen many uses since is conception hundreds of years ago and it has now surpassed its original purpose as just a place to store goods until needed.

And Titan believes that the number of warehouses used by technology companies will dramatically increase over the coming years as cloud computing takes off in a massive way.

Chief Executive Officer of Titan Warehouse Insurance, Basil Tsapralis, said:
“Cloud computing is a great concept for the user, but the companies providing the service has to create in effect huge warehouses complete with hundreds of computers and servers. This is where everyone’s data is stored and the warehouses are highly sophisticated and complex centers which have to be secure, and independent.

“And if you couple the growth in cloud computing with pure digital data storage, not forgetting old fashioned paperwork, then the number of warehouses needed to contain such facilities will grow dramatically over the years. And, such places need to have equally secure and complex levels of insurance.

“Consider the value of data for everyone and the possible repercussions should an online cloud provider had its service taken offline, or more seriously, if it lost the data, then the potential claims against them could be huge.”

Titan Warehouse Insurance is a major operator within this field and believes it success is down to very competitive products and high levels of service.